Registration form

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Remains private. For login and essential communication.
Visible to other subscribers in posts and comments.
At least 5 characters long.
Just to be sure.

By becoming a member of the Fold online, you attest that you are a sincere Christian believer who lives in or has strong personal ties to the West Chester area.

  • You agree to represent yourself honestly and to treat others on this site with respect and the consideration due to a fellow human being and a brother or sister in Christ.
  • You agree to refrain from profanity, obscenity, gossip, detraction, insults, and ad hominem argumentation.
  • You agree not to share links that are wholly offensive to normal Christian sensibilities. (If a given link includes offensive elements, such as profane language, a warning is appreciated as a courtesy.)
  • You acknowledge that this site was founded for the purposes of friendship and mutual help and agree not to use it for interested purposes, unless purchasing advertising space for your business or enterprise.

Violations of these terms, depending on the severity of the case, may result in warnings, temporary suspension, or permanent expulsion.

But we have good hope none of that will ever be necessary.